Okay, so I just had to go there...

The first pic here is well, how most of us like to remember Mike.
The second is of course after Mike lost himself in plastic surgery.
The third is a guy who is pissed that Mike didn't touch him.
The fourth is everyone's favorite Press Whore, Rev. Jesse Jackson who always shows up to get his picture taken when bad things happen to black people.
I most of the time could give a rats a-- about what is going on in politics, world news, etc.
I'm thinking back though to when I was eight or nine and I thought Michael Jackson was the coolest performing artist ever. I bugged the heck out of my mom until she bought me a copy of "Thriller" on cassette and a nylon velcro Michael Jackson wallet. I never could talk my parents into buying me one of those zippery "Beat It" jackets though, Dad thought that was a ridiculous thing to send money on. Looking back on it, I'd have to agree.
Hell, I liked Michael even up to his "Dangerous" album, but then at some point in time...he went mad. Do I think Mike is guilty of being a pedophile? Geez, I hope not, but who knows. He does some far out things. I don't understand why a grown man would think it's acceptable to have other people's children sharing his bed with him. If in his logic that was alright, then he must be a bit soft in the head. I don't know, I have mixed feelings about the acquittal. As nutty as the guy is, I would hate to see him get ripped up if he is indeed an innocent man. Although if he did what he is accused of, well it's just another representation of how much money really does talk.
Oh well, sorry you had to see this crap plastered all over every news channel and then look at it on my blog. It was just what happened to be on my mind.
Unrelated: Haven't been doing too well on the no smoking thing. I think I'm going to buy some niccorette gum, or the patch Friday. I'm certainly giving this up, but going cold turkey is liable to get someone hurt.
Dude, I am crossing my fingers for you. Try the gum; I think it's a bit more "flexible" in nature; just don't chew the whole pack.
Hey Jen, maybe if he had a little incentive, he'd have better luck quitting. Say, maybe, a candle-lit dinner? =)
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