Darth Scottious

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate...leads to the dark side."
I guess that's pretty much how I feel here as of late. Fear of what the heck is the next move in my life. Anger because things never seem to turn out the way I want them to. Hate for well, just too many things. I just ate a breakfast burrito from Hardee's and I hated it. I hate the fact that the dog won't stop running up and licking my knee.
I can't even think very deeply these past couple weeks. I'm guessing that I am just reaching a point of being fed up with the way things are going and it is now time for some type of change. Joe has been asking me to move to Tennessee with him as soon as he goes. I think that may be a good plan for me as I had planned to move up that way anyhow. I have to work tonight. I can't even begin to explain how badly I HATE that sorry excuse for a jail.
Oh well, enough of my hatred. I do love you people though. If it were not for the people in my life that are dear to me, I probably would've switched over to the dark side ages ago. All of you, my friends and family, are the reasons that make me strive to be better in life.
Great. You and Joe leave. That means the most common correspondance between us will be you taking pictures of me and splicing a Wookie's head on them.
Feel better. Don't kick the dog.
I'll go darkside with ya. I wont like, kill innocent people (like those exist) or little kittens or nothing..but ill have a good time being mischivious ( sp Ryan will correct me no doubt). We could find a cool place to rule...hmm...Charleston has a bunch of high society old money running around...i would love to give those guys a hard time.
Your journey towards the dark side is almost complete my young apprentice.
We all need to buy Jedi Academy (if we don't have it) and have online lightsaber duels like complete dorks.
V, get on AIM sometime man. I know i cant bitch cause i dissapeared for awhile but ive been on of late.
Damn Scott make a new post. DO IT
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