Monday will be my last day at work then I will be driving up to Tennessee to get things situated, then come back the following week to get my things. I wanted Friday to be my last day, since I'm off this weekend and have to go back for only one day. It seems kind of stupid. My supervisor stopped me yesterday on my way out and said, "Bro, you're going to work Monday right?" When I acted like I didn't really want to he seemed really let down, so I said "yeah, I'll be here." I hate that place, but I have always gotten along really well with all my supervisors and I don't like dumping on them, so there you go. I'll be going back for one more round of suck at the Hernando County Jail. Although I dispise that place I'm leaving behind people that I think the world of. Lisa, and Shelly yall take care of yourselves and I'll keep in touch with ya. Jackie..., well as soon as Jackie finds out how good the fishing and hunting is in Tennessee she'll be up everytime she's off, haha. There are quite a few people I'll miss so much. Steve Fuhs, Adam Nigro, "Q", Mary Mills, "Gallooch", Hindman, Hodges, and I could go on. They made it easier to come to work in a shithole.
I sold my Firebird to Will Ingersoll last night. I hated let it go, but I needed the money and I also couldn't figure out how to go about getting two vehicles to Tennessee without a whole big hassle. I felt alittle sick when Will drove it away. I really liked that car, but really I'm a pick-up truck kind of guy. Also once I get to Tennessee Joe and I will be back to hanging out all the time again and with me being 6'4 and him 6'6 we looked really stupid riding around in a Firebird together. Anyhow, I'll miss the thing.
I'm wishing so much I could get all my friends from here to move with me. Ryan will be up eventually, but I don't have much hope in getting Casey, Kenny or Dave up there.
Fishing tonight with Jackie, Ryan, and Dave!!