And For Our Next Pope...

I hate to jump on the Pope bandwagon, but...
For our next Pope I want to personally nominate my brother, the Rev. David W. MacMeeken.
No, he's not a Cardinal, actually he's not even Catholic, but imagine the possibilities. A southern boy, Pentacostal preacher as Pope.
Regardless of religious belief or orientation, this country as well as so many other countries put mass amounts of prestige towards the Pope as being the esteem top religious leader. So, why not have a country boy preacher who would stand up and tell the world, "Yall need to tighten up, quit being stupid, and get yourselves right!"
In America today we candy coat everything. We don't want to offend anyone, unless of course we're about to bomb them. See, the way I see things, Political correctness among other things has retarded our nation. I don't mean hooray for extreme right wing conservatives, or down with left wing liberals. I just grow more and more sick of seeing the BS that we whine about in this country. "You can't do that because it might offend somebody." It's a free country! People have offended me for most of my life and I have never tried to make a huge issue out of it!
I think this is one of the reasons I've never had children. I see so many parents nowadays who say things like, "Well, I don't want to be to hard on my kids." Then they complain because those children have now reached their teens and are uncontrolable. I have seen countless young teenagers come into various jails I've worked in. When I ask them what they've done they tell me, "Oh, I beat up my mom.", or "I beat my dad." For crying out loud people, if the kid is attacking you, knock their little ass into the dirt! But alas they would never do that because that just wouldn't be right. I know for a fact that if I had ever even had the notion to beat up my mother my dad would have knocked me three ways from Sunday. I might also add that these are often the same children that grow up thinking it's okay to beat their wives.
Pressing onward. Again, I never claim to be a saint. I've also stated that I don't even know where I stand on my faith anymore, but I will say this. It is an unarguable fact that Christianity teaches respect, moral values, kindness and love towards others, and being decent overall people among many things. So why does this country fight so hard against it? Why has Christianity become so offensive that children can hardly even openly pray in schools anymore? "Um, sorry kids, we will longer be having Fellowship of Christian Athletes club because we're upsetting the Muslim kids." Ah, bite me!
So, at the risk of sounding like a right wing, gun toting, honky mofoe (which believe it or not, I'm actually very middle of the road on most things) I've taken the time to speak a bit on the way I feel about some things. Yes, I believe in compromise, I believe that this is still the greatest country in the world, but I also believe that we are being lead towards the Fall of Rome in a sence. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep toting the load. I worry that we get closer to George Orwell's predictions in our country. I dunno, I don't have all the answers. I just occasionally feel the need to let all the things that I keep inside for fear of offending someone spew out into little online rants. I don't know if I'm right or wrong and I'm always open to listen to everyone's opinion on things, but I do know it's very hard to look clearly at other avenues when you're forced to stay on one side of the street.
Again, next Pope, David I. He's also a ventriliquist with a dummy that people love to see. It's a good plan. The Pope and his wooden sidekick. Think about it.
If I have offended anyone with this post...Relax, breathe in deeply. Now exhale. I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty, and...well you know the rest. Loosen up, it's all gonna be okay.
Can I get an Amen?!
With his pic all squooshed to fit on the Pope's neck like that, it kinda looks like he's barkin' one out.
Why didn't you get ahold of me last night dammit??
I usually don't leave replies on my own stuff, but yeah you have an extremely valid point and make no qualms about it, I agree with you.
On the other side, there are people like my brother who have spent their lives honestly trying to help people without condemnation towards them.
It is a shame that what you have stated is unarguable.These are the very reasons why as much as I support Christianity, I have alot of , well for lack of a better word, standoffishness (I don't even think that is a word) towards it.
As far as the death penalty and belts are concerned, well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on those. I've always been a firm supporter of capital punishment. I can see valid reason for it and I won't bother throwing my opinions in on this one. The belt thing, well I never got beat when I was a child. Both my parents were devoted and loving, but I also respected them. Mom let me get away with alot more stuff as moms often do and I don't remember Dad ever really having to go at me with a belt. He would most often act like he was taking his belt off, this would cause me to head for higher ground. It was all about respect. Which is indeed something people are lacking in today's society. Respect, honor, and integrity were all things taught to me by my parents. Yes, on very rare occasions I did get spanked, but it was not often because my level of respect for them as well as other adults out weighed my desire to act poorly. Also keep in mind, I grew up in a time period when teachers could still paddle you in school. Agreed, the basis for both corporal and capital punishment has it's Biblical roots, but my ideas are stemmed from common sence and also looking at crime levels of other countries with heavier crime penalties. Some of these third world countries who practice severe crime punishments have very little crime. It's simple, if you act up, you get spanked. If you're a sick twisted creature that preys upon the weak and innnocent, we will take you out permanantly. I don't really see a huge problem with that, but then again it's just my way of looking at things.As they say politics, religion, and punishment open a huge can of worms, lol.
I greatly appreciate your opinions and stand points on things. I think you are an extremely intelligent person and I always enjoy getting feedback from you on my blog.
Oh and by the way Ryan, I crashed out early. Sorry I forgot to get in touch with you bro.
AMEN brother. Actually man im right there with you. This pansy ass "dont offend anyone" crap can bite my ass. Society is really starting to make me sick. You know why nature works...survival of the fucking fitest. Im sorry but for our society to be at the top of its game some people are just going to have to lose out. Now dont some of you peg me as cruel cause im quite the opposite. But i do understand the dynamics of life and a number of reasons society is crashing. As for the death penalty, i dont support our current system cause it cost WAY to much fucking money to keep someones ass on death row for a zillion years. My policy, judge em, then take em out back and put a bullet in their head. as for unnecessary wars, well, thats a matter of opinion. I kept up with the situation in Iraq since early 1999 when Sadam first began shady dealings and tossing out UN inspecters. Had i been president, we would have been all up in his shit a good bit before 2002, but hey, thats just me.
Okay I'll Bite. Forgive me.
"Death penalty- I can't say that if someone murdered my parents or best friend or baby cousin, that I wouldn't, in a fit of rage, want them to die. But rationally, it's absurd. Who really thinks that they have the right to say who lives or dies?"
John Couey is the sick little bastard who seemed to think he had the right to choose whether or not poor Jessie Lundsford lived or died. Now we shall exercise that right upon him. Those that take a life knowingly have no respect for the sanctity of the lives of others.
"If you (you (understood), not you personally)believe in heaven and hell, I think proponents of the death penalty will most certainly have their day of judgement for playing God, so to speak."
Folks who are indeed guilty of taking a life deserve not to enjoy the beauty of God's world for the rest of their natural days. Even as they sit in prison they are allowed times to go outside, and revel in even a small portion of the majesty that is the world he created. Cold-blooded murderers should not be allowed to touch the soil that the almighty has created, nor the air that we share or the sunlight we bask in.
The more I write about this the more I sound like a zealot. I realize there are of course uncertanties and exceptions, I am the farthest thing from a religious person you'll find. I was raised with great spirituality however, and an outstanding understanding of right and wrong, by a single mother who was not afraid to spank me when I misbehaved, although her firm hand was always tempered with a just explanation for my punishment.
"I don't mind Christianity, it's the Christians I can do without."
Love be with you all. Sorry for the rant.
Scott, you sleep too damn much.
Good idea, cause your talking to a bunch of southern boys here. :)
Last thing on the death penalty, when i say take the guilty out back and shoot em im not talking in a fit or rage. I would calmly walk out, put the gun to their head, and end them. WHY? because they are non-condusive to a great society. As for spanking, well, dont want to spank your kids, dont..but i hope u have some other plan that works. I was spanked with a belt probably no more then a handful of times when i was a child. Saying it causes some sexual deviation makes me laugh though im sure in some fucked up familys children it has happened. I knew that when that belt came out that i had done something really wrong, and i could also see the pain in my fathers eyes when he had to use it. I can tell you by comparing myself to most of the individuals im surrounded by that im 75% more mentally sound then most people, i have a great relationship with my parents, and personally im a non-violent person.
Grif Lives!!!!!
Oh dear God, I've set it off!
i guess its how its handled. Not spanking your kid is fine as long as their is so form of discipline. None of this shit like you see on Nanny 911 or hell my 6 year old is going to run the house and do whatever he/she wants.
Do they actually make a POPE suit Big enough for david?
Florida Man
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