This will probably set it off...
Okay so here we go...
I read something that kind of set me off a bit. First off, the easiest way for someone to get me to correct them is to make a statement about the civil war being all about slavery and you can say what you will to try to hide that etc., etc. Okay fine, whatever you say. Really, people need to do a bit more historical research before they make these kinds of statements.
Let's take a quick overview of 1861-1863. In January of 1861 the south secedes. March 1861 Abraham Lincoln takes office as president. At his inauguration he stated that he had no plans to end slavery in states where it already existed. In January of 1863 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to abolish slavery. Three years after the war had already started.
So, was the Civil War about slavery? Sure it was. At least partially anyway. It was about many other things as well and I'm just not up for giving an entire history lesson at the moment.
The big picture, the south owned slaves and they did horrible things to black people and the rest of us are still paying for it.
Let me make a really bold statement here. The kind of statement you can get stoned for these days. "I am proud to be white!" In today's society you can easily be labeled a racist for saying such things. We are being molded more and more into being made to feel ashamed that we are white. So many exceptions have been made to further black American culture that anyone wanting to remain proud of white heritage is labeled a bigot. You almost have to keep it quiet, "Pssst, I like being white." "Shhh..., me too. Keep that on the downlow."
Do I have a problem with inter-racial relationships? Well, I have very mixed feelings on the subject. Let's look at this. If I see a white woman with a decent upstanding black man I really don't throw a second glance. On the other hand, the vast majority that I see are young attractive white girls with some ghetto thug. Do not freakin' fool yourselves people. Most of these relationships are spawned out of the young white girl wanting to do something that's considered taboo and the thug boy who is gleaming because, "F--- you cracker I got a white girl!" Hate me if you will, but believe me, I'm bold enough to ask questions and these are some of the answers I've gotten. I've also talked to plenty of black women who can't stand white girls just because of this very reason. Do I openly walk around giving these people shit? No of course not. I'm not that much of an ass, but nothing says I have to like seeing it. I just keep my thoughts to myself and go on about my own business.
Now back to being just good old white. I have never considered myself a racist, but if that is how you choose to label me, so be it. I have always treated everyone with respect and decency exactly the same way my parents raised me to do. I can name numerous times that racial injustices have been put upon me. Affirmative Action for instance has knocked me out of jobs, promotions and various other things, but I've never made a huge issue out of it. I've seen people I've worked with get away with a ridiculous amounts of infractions because supervisors were afraid to take action against them for fear of racial repercussions. When I was in school white teachers were often afraid to discipline black students. My friend Joe will easily remember Edgar Powell the black guy in our high school math class that constantly made outbursts and disrupted the classroom. Edgar was really good at making a point to let Mr. Brown our math teacher know that his mother would gladly call the N.A.A.C.P. for him. I threatened the guy once that if he didn't shut his mouth so I could finish the class and graduate that I would kick the snot out of him. Guess what he called me. Yep...racist.
Now, I'm sure I'm going to lose half my readers because of this post and I'm sorry for that. I'm not sorry though, for being white and voicing my opinions.
I read something that kind of set me off a bit. First off, the easiest way for someone to get me to correct them is to make a statement about the civil war being all about slavery and you can say what you will to try to hide that etc., etc. Okay fine, whatever you say. Really, people need to do a bit more historical research before they make these kinds of statements.
Let's take a quick overview of 1861-1863. In January of 1861 the south secedes. March 1861 Abraham Lincoln takes office as president. At his inauguration he stated that he had no plans to end slavery in states where it already existed. In January of 1863 Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to abolish slavery. Three years after the war had already started.
So, was the Civil War about slavery? Sure it was. At least partially anyway. It was about many other things as well and I'm just not up for giving an entire history lesson at the moment.
The big picture, the south owned slaves and they did horrible things to black people and the rest of us are still paying for it.
Let me make a really bold statement here. The kind of statement you can get stoned for these days. "I am proud to be white!" In today's society you can easily be labeled a racist for saying such things. We are being molded more and more into being made to feel ashamed that we are white. So many exceptions have been made to further black American culture that anyone wanting to remain proud of white heritage is labeled a bigot. You almost have to keep it quiet, "Pssst, I like being white." "Shhh..., me too. Keep that on the downlow."
Do I have a problem with inter-racial relationships? Well, I have very mixed feelings on the subject. Let's look at this. If I see a white woman with a decent upstanding black man I really don't throw a second glance. On the other hand, the vast majority that I see are young attractive white girls with some ghetto thug. Do not freakin' fool yourselves people. Most of these relationships are spawned out of the young white girl wanting to do something that's considered taboo and the thug boy who is gleaming because, "F--- you cracker I got a white girl!" Hate me if you will, but believe me, I'm bold enough to ask questions and these are some of the answers I've gotten. I've also talked to plenty of black women who can't stand white girls just because of this very reason. Do I openly walk around giving these people shit? No of course not. I'm not that much of an ass, but nothing says I have to like seeing it. I just keep my thoughts to myself and go on about my own business.
Now back to being just good old white. I have never considered myself a racist, but if that is how you choose to label me, so be it. I have always treated everyone with respect and decency exactly the same way my parents raised me to do. I can name numerous times that racial injustices have been put upon me. Affirmative Action for instance has knocked me out of jobs, promotions and various other things, but I've never made a huge issue out of it. I've seen people I've worked with get away with a ridiculous amounts of infractions because supervisors were afraid to take action against them for fear of racial repercussions. When I was in school white teachers were often afraid to discipline black students. My friend Joe will easily remember Edgar Powell the black guy in our high school math class that constantly made outbursts and disrupted the classroom. Edgar was really good at making a point to let Mr. Brown our math teacher know that his mother would gladly call the N.A.A.C.P. for him. I threatened the guy once that if he didn't shut his mouth so I could finish the class and graduate that I would kick the snot out of him. Guess what he called me. Yep...racist.
Now, I'm sure I'm going to lose half my readers because of this post and I'm sorry for that. I'm not sorry though, for being white and voicing my opinions.
Don't worry bout what people think bro. Most people that run off at the mouth are not and don't care enough to be educated about issues. God Bless the South and P.s. i'll be the first to say it, America might be better off if the south had won. Slavery would have been abolished eventually anyway like it was everywhere else, and chances are we wouldn't have this huge central government that we do now. States rights would be much better. I could write a book on the benefits of that.
The biggest problem is that this IS a touchy subject and it's all hush-hush. Racial segregation is perpetuated every single day by people in this country by almost every ethnic group and makeup. We have so many counter-cultures that are against each other; it's just plain sad.
The fact that we're so afraid to address it will be the roadblock that keeps us divided for years to come.
Political Correctness can tongue my balloon knot
Bravo, Adder. Simple yet poingant.
As for not beating your kids, I subit to thee:
ROFL...i love it
Stating your mind has become a lost art.
I am somewhat of a Civil War buff (via my dad) and I believe that the factors that caused the war are complex and not just based on one issue. Law, economics, slavery, state's rights, the power of the central government all played a part.
I recently read an article that believes the South's recovery would have been easier and less agonizing after the war had Lincoln not been assassinate. Somewhat ironic.
I have no problem with interracial dating when it's based on attraction/love. I do know people who date interracially because it's 'cool' or it's controversial. I get annoyed when I hear girls say, "I'll only date (X colored - white, black, asian, whatever) guys."
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