Diary of a Mad Mac

Things you wished you'd never read. Things your mother warned you about. Welcome to the world of an insane Scottish-American. Haggis anyone?

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Location: Abbeville, South Carolina, United States

Saturday, July 30, 2005

If I were a rich man, yadda dadda dadda, crud...

When it rains it pours. The doggone water pump on my house burned up and it cost me $840.00, yeah. I had to pay the man $500.00 and make the rest in payments. My other bills were all due and if it hadn't been for the help of Terence being here and help from some other friends I'd be in deep.

I get so damn stressed out about this financial crap. I have to take a deep breath and tell myself it'll be okay. I owe so many people that it is sad. This is all at the start of my pay week so I have to wait another two weeks before I have my head out of the water. I guess I'm thankful that I at least have a job. Even though it's a job I hate.

If I get a job at Cookeville Police Department in Tennessee I'll be taking a $4,000.00 dollar a year pay cut. That makes me cringe a bit, but the cost of living in Tennessee is cheaper than in Florida and that is pretty good pay up there. The upside is that I'd be taking a pay cut, but doing a job that I actually love so I'd say it evens out.

Anyway, I'm hoping the pattern of my life will turn upward soon.



Blogger Rebel_Posse1973 said...

Nice one Diedrich Bader!


5:42 PM  

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