Just For Fun...

Okay, so I was watching the movie Sahara with Matthew McConaughey and Steve Zahn. It was a really cool film. As I was watching it I was thinking even as a straight guy, I cannot deny that Matthew McConaughey is a handsome son of a gun. I was thinking I'd like to hang out with Matt and Rocky from the movie "Mask", or "Face" as Joe's mom calls it. If I was at a party with Matt and Rocky, any beautiful women that Matt was not interested in would come hang out with me because I'd look better by comparison next to Rocky. Matt has me in the looks area, but we've both got the southern boy charm. Rocky has well...thank God it was only a movie.
Anyway, that was just a little silly post since I haven't updated in a few days. I'm doing a bit better in the stress area. Time will tell. I hope everyone is doing well.
Scott and matt sitting in a tree.......
Thanks Lisa, You're pretty great too.
Hey Brandon... "Suck me beautiful". :P
Oh, I was praying for you. Glad the stress is better.
That sounds like the wingman theory. There's a business that hires out a same sex partner to make you look good.
I love your southern charm...and claymore!
I'd admit to being passably cute. :)
Whoops, Alice
LOL, hats off to Ryan for the reference to my Sumter C.I. days.
Thanks for the complement Lisa. My better by comparison theory worked,lol.
Ohh, I loved Mask, great tearjerker.
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