Diary of a Mad Mac

Things you wished you'd never read. Things your mother warned you about. Welcome to the world of an insane Scottish-American. Haggis anyone?

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Location: Abbeville, South Carolina, United States

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Okay so it sounds drastic..

I've been doing alot of thinking about this.

Apparently there is still a great need for Correctional Officers in Iraq to train the Iraqi people how to properly run prisons. I've been told with my background and training I could go over there and make in the neighborhood of $170,000.00 for a year of service. That is approximately six times what I would make in a year in the U.S.. It is also tax free money. To add to it, all of your living expenses are paid for while you're over there.

Yes, I know that the pay is so high because of the constant danger in that area, but from what I understand the facilities that they have American law enforcement personnel working in are pretty secure. I've also been told that the officers are pretty much armed to the teeth.

It's merely one year. That would go by extremely fast. Then I could come home and actually buy a really nice house in the Nashville area outright. Hell, I'll only be thirty-three when I'm done. I've been thinking about it for a long time. If I can get one of my sisters to dog sit Steve for a year and the opportunity is as good as it looks on paper, I think I may just go for it.

Mom, of course will highly frown on the idea just as she has everytime I've brought it up, but I feel like I'm never going to be able to get anywhere with the income I've been living on. Yes, I am able to get by, but keep in mind I just have to take care of myself. If I had a family to take care of, I'd be like the rest of my married with children friends who always seem to barely make ends meet. If I had $170,000.00 in a lump sum I could invest in something that was actually mine, that was not given to me, that I EARNED.

I could OWN my own home then get a law enforcement job in Tennessee and be able to live comfortably while working on music around Nashville. That's a helluva pay off for a years work.

I say this after I just made a post a couple days ago about us needing to stay away from the middle east. Hmmm... it's pretty easy to get a blue collar guy to put a price on his own head.



Blogger Rebel_Posse1973 said...

Um... That's not really what they're looking for schnig.


3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, mongo, of course they're gonna tell you you'll be fairly safe and secure over there.


6:41 PM  
Blogger Malach the Merciless said...

Go for it.

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard a lot of contractors over there do pretty well. Of course, there is the danger factor.

I met a contractor on a flight once and his main beef was that his was prohibited by his company from protecting himself. He promptly said he'd rather be fired than dead.

If you decide to go, stay safe.

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in the military stationed in Italy and we just came back after a few months working at a prison in Iraq. The danger is there, you see a lot of things that you may wish you would never have seen. We don't get paid like you would if you go, but that's what I signed on for. If you're doing it just for the money, you may find once you get back that it's really not worth it.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Rebel_Posse1973 said...

To the soldier who posted anonymously. I sincerely appreciate your input and this is just something I'm mulling over in my head. I was first off wrong about the salary. It's $120,000.00 not so much $170,000.00 that is still alot of money to a guy like me though. I'm doing alot of checking up on this and not making hasty decisions. My uncle is a police officer in Kansas and he just had a guy who works with him come back from training Iraqi law enforcement. My uncle said he seemed as though he rather enjoyed it. My uncle is going to find out more info from the guy.

I dunno, yes I'd be doing it for the money. I'd just like to have a nest egg. I do very much appreciate your input though. Thank you for commenting.


12:03 AM  

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