I hate to jump on the Pope bandwagon, but...
For our next Pope I want to personally nominate my brother, the Rev. David W. MacMeeken.
No, he's not a Cardinal, actually he's not even Catholic, but imagine the possibilities. A southern boy, Pentacostal preacher as Pope.
Regardless of religious belief or orientation, this country as well as so many other countries put mass amounts of prestige towards the Pope as being the esteem top religious leader. So, why not have a country boy preacher who would stand up and tell the world, "Yall need to tighten up, quit being stupid, and get yourselves right!"
In America today we candy coat everything. We don't want to offend anyone, unless of course we're about to bomb them. See, the way I see things, Political correctness among other things has retarded our nation. I don't mean hooray for extreme right wing conservatives, or down with left wing liberals. I just grow more and more sick of seeing the BS that we whine about in this country. "You can't do that because it might offend somebody." It's a free country! People have offended me for most of my life and I have never tried to make a huge issue out of it!
I think this is one of the reasons I've never had children. I see so many parents nowadays who say things like, "Well, I don't want to be to hard on my kids." Then they complain because those children have now reached their teens and are uncontrolable. I have seen countless young teenagers come into various jails I've worked in. When I ask them what they've done they tell me, "Oh, I beat up my mom.", or "I beat my dad." For crying out loud people, if the kid is attacking you, knock their little ass into the dirt! But alas they would never do that because that just wouldn't be right. I know for a fact that if I had ever even had the notion to beat up my mother my dad would have knocked me three ways from Sunday. I might also add that these are often the same children that grow up thinking it's okay to beat their wives.
Pressing onward. Again, I never claim to be a saint. I've also stated that I don't even know where I stand on my faith anymore, but I will say this. It is an unarguable fact that Christianity teaches respect, moral values, kindness and love towards others, and being decent overall people among many things. So why does this country fight so hard against it? Why has Christianity become so offensive that children can hardly even openly pray in schools anymore? "Um, sorry kids, we will longer be having Fellowship of Christian Athletes club because we're upsetting the Muslim kids." Ah, bite me!
So, at the risk of sounding like a right wing, gun toting, honky mofoe (which believe it or not, I'm actually very middle of the road on most things) I've taken the time to speak a bit on the way I feel about some things. Yes, I believe in compromise, I believe that this is still the greatest country in the world, but I also believe that we are being lead towards the Fall of Rome in a sence. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep toting the load. I worry that we get closer to George Orwell's predictions in our country. I dunno, I don't have all the answers. I just occasionally feel the need to let all the things that I keep inside for fear of offending someone spew out into little online rants. I don't know if I'm right or wrong and I'm always open to listen to everyone's opinion on things, but I do know it's very hard to look clearly at other avenues when you're forced to stay on one side of the street.
Again, next Pope, David I. He's also a ventriliquist with a dummy that people love to see. It's a good plan. The Pope and his wooden sidekick. Think about it.
If I have offended anyone with this post...Relax, breathe in deeply. Now exhale. I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty, and...well you know the rest. Loosen up, it's all gonna be okay.
Can I get an Amen?!